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Important Dates

Last date for full Submission Deadline:

September 30, 2024

Last date for full Notification Deadline:

October 7, 2024

Last date for full Camera Ready Deadline:

November 1, 2024

Contact Us


Early Bird Registration

(Before August 20, 2024)

Regular Registration

Regular Registration
(4 - 6 pages)

440 USD/ paper

490 USD/ paper

Extra Pages

(Begin at Page 7)

40 USD/ paper

50 USD/ extra page

Attendees without
a Submission

160 USD/ paper

180 USD/ person


  1. One regular registration is within 6 Pages including all figures, tables, and references. Extra pages will be charged.

  2. One regular registration with one or more additional papers get only ONE proceedings.

  3. At least one author for each accepted final paper must register for paper publication.

  4. Students must provide proof of their status to the conference secretariat.

  5. The cost of the hotel accommodation and travel is not included in the registration fee.

  6. The conference papers will be submitted for publication on time, and the publishing press will submit the proceedings to major database, such as EI, SCOPUS, Google Scholar and other databases. Since the database has the right to selected for inclusion in the engineering database, so we can not make any guarantee for any index. Please consider clearly before registering.

Payment Methods:

  1. Credit Card (No service charge);

  2. Bank Transfer (30USD Service Charge);

* You could get the bank information from the conference secretary.

Payment Receipt:

  1. After the registration is confirmed, an official receipt of your payment will be sent to you together with all conference materials at the conference site;

  2. If you need the receipt before the conference date, we can send you the scanned version.

Refunds and Cancellation Policy:

  1. All refund/cancellation requests must be received before August 31, 2024. An administrative fee of about 30% fee from the paid amount will be deducted from each refund;

  2. Authors who have requested for a refund after July 31, 2024 are NOT entitled to any refunds;

  3. No shows will not be refunded;

  4. Cancellation and refund request must be made formally via email;

*The losses thus incurred from the force majeure events shall not be liable and refunds policy shall not apply as well.

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